I'm never sure if I should call myself more of a process or product knitter, but with sewing, for sure, it's mostly about the end product. When I dug up my sewing machine and serger after 1½ years, I was reminded of how, at most, 10% of the time spent on a sewing project is actual sewing. I do enjoy the sewing part, but it's a bit frustrating that the huge majority of time is spent in prepartion for it: choosing and cutting your fabric, setting up your sewing machine (probably having to refer to the manual on more than occasion), ironing at every step, and googling instructions for even the simplest of projects. After such a long break, I needed to refresh my memory on what the various buttons on my sewing machine are for and how to adjust the stitching.
The nice thing about sewing, on the flip side, is that you can usually finish what you started on the same day. The fabric stash (still of a reasonable size compared to my yarn equivalent) can also be depleted much faster than yarn.
Unsurprisingly, a lot of my sewing so far has been knitting related, including the drawstring bags destined to be project bags. I used a video by MADE Everyday as reference. The strings I sewed myself from strips of fabric.