April 12, 2009


This was not originally the first pattern I planned to knit from Cookie A's new book Sock Innovation, possibly because the peachy color of the sample in the book didn't appeal to me at all. After I took a closer look at the patterns, though, in search of something that wouldn't be too stressful to knit, but not too boring, either, I was attracted to the relatively simple pattern repeat of Sunshine. It was a good choice, an enjoyable and fairly fast knit. 

There is a mistake in the first sock which I only noticed after it was finished, one extra row in the pattern between the leg and the foot parts, but I don't think it's too obvious. With the second sock I made a few mistakes which I noticed early on and was able to fix by frogging a couple of rows.

The yarn I used was Kirjo-Pirkka by Pirkanmaan Kotityö Oy. For the needles, I used 2.0 mm metal DPNs.


  1. Wow! Those are gorgeous. You're a sock-making machine lately! I'm looking forward to buying Cookie's book.

  2. these are gorgeous...such a lovely shade of green.

  3. Ihanat sukat, ihana väri! En ole tuollaisesta langasta kuullutkaan – pidätkö siitä? Itse vielä odottelen Cookien kirjaa, malttamattomana... :-)

  4. Kirjo-Pirkasta on vasta hiljattain tullut yksivärisiä versioita (ne moniväriset ei oikein ole mun makuun) ja olen kyllä tykännyt. Kahdet sukat olen siitä nyt neulonut ja kolmansia olen aloittelemassa.

  5. I can't wait to get my hands on a copy of Cookie's new book. And these socks of yours... Simply fantastic! I am in love with brilliant greens this year.
